The Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) held its continued Public Hearing on the Module 1 Land Use Code (LUC) sections on Wednesday, September 28th. The Commissioners unanimously approved code text amendment language for LUC sections covering Wildland Urban Interface (WUI), Accessory Dwelling Units (ADU), Short Term Rentals (STRs), and Bed & Breakfasts.
The Commissioners continued the remaining Module 1 topics to Tuesday, October 4th during their regular meeting. The LUC discussion is slated to begin ~11:00am. Topics for discussion and possible adoption include code text amendments covering Agritourism and Private Lands Camping. The meeting will be held at 104 Crestone, Salida, in the BOCC chambers, or via zoom at The BOCC is now in its deliberations phase on these final code amendment drafts and has closed public comment on the specific Module 1 topics.
The BOCC expects to ratify the final code text documents and adopt a Resolution addressing effective dates and other conditions of implementation at their October 11th regular meeting.